Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our "beloved" Ted

Ted Kennedy was rushed to the hospital Saturday morning. He had a seizure and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he spoke to Kennedy's wife in the afternoon and was told "his condition is not life-threatening, but serious."

"But the one thing I can say, if there ever was a fighter, anyone who stood for what we as Americans, we as Democrats, stand for, it's Ted Kennedy," Reid said addressing the Nevada Democratic Convention in Reno.

"stood for what we as Americans, we as Democrats, stand for, it's Ted Kennedy"....What? Getting away with murder?

Glad for Kennedy's family he's okay - as much as I dislike the man - no one deserves stroke, death and pain for a family.....but common..... talking about him like he's a model for the Democratic party? That's just sad - but maybe fitting.

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