Monday, December 15, 2008

I HATE Cancer

I say that like other people like's just a takes anyone it chooses. Young, old, any race, any ethnic background - even if you are a nice or bad person.
My mom doesn't deserve this.... she just doesn't.


Happy said...

I'm so sorry.

Michelle said...

I am so sorry to hear that. Cancer sucks.

BekkiBoo aka tubelessstl said...

on Petunia, I am so sorry. Can I offer up a prayer for her?

petunia said...

thanks- you sure can pray for her. Since it was stage IV ovarian last year we thought since she made it through chemo great last year she would have a few more years before it came back but it hasn't even been a year. She's the healthiest looking sick person I know and still feels pretty good so I thank God for that! Unfortunately it will keep coming back quicker and she will probably be on chemo again even quicker next time.....I just hate that anyone has to go through all this.