Sunday, January 14, 2007

I am so glad I found the BIOS

I know there are so many people on these sites that have all sorts of different opinions about adoption, open, closed, semi-closed. Reunion, open records....whatever.
All I know is...I was adopted, I had an awesome childhood where I was loved more than most kids who are not adopted. I have a very normal, God-fearing, heterosexual, friendly, kind, caring, family (no divorce or abuse anywhere that we know of). I guess it's unusual, I have a great self-esteem, no baggage and a great family....most people can't identify.

All of that said, I'm glad I found my bios.....why? There is a nosey curiousity about where you come from and who you are blood related to. There is a need to see people that look like you and know where you got yout your looks, your skin, your hair....your boobs! (we still haven't established that one)

Today we ran into my biodad and his wife at the restuarant we went to after church. It was sweet....they are so nice. He kissed on J and played with her...he is a proud grandad. His daughter will have a baby in a few weeks and she is jealous but she is giving him his blood-related grandchild - he doesn't care, baby J is his first grandchild to him. sweet.

My biomom is the same way but thank goodness her girls are not jealous. The first borns are the ones that are usually NON accepting of the new "surprise" sibling----what do you mean they aren't the first born?? They were both leery of they are much more accepting.

Yes, I'm glad I found them...



I too wonder...

Does anyone care?

Try two-page summary of History post. reb

petunia said...

I don't really see him as the grandfather but he does. I never said my biomom irked me....

Anonymous said...

That's so cute about how he is with J. Very nice that he and his wife are so sweet, and it is nice to read your upbeat post. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh ok, I read it somewhere in a post I might have misunderstood. I don't see them as grandparents either, if my daughter adopted I wouldn't see the baby as my grandchild BUT would adore that child and would NOT see him or her as less wonderful. I hope that doesn't come out wrong.

Oh and I love reading your posts too, this is why I visit your blog.

Laurie (formerly known as Momseekingpeace) said...

I'm glad you found them too.