Last Mother's day journal entry
I hate mother's day.....well, not really because I love to honor my mother and mother-in-law--but I hate that it's coming and I am still not a mother myself! I have no sweet child to slobber kisses on my face or doodle a sweet little home-made card or try to make me breakfast with daddy. No child to love uncontrollable. These hallmark commercials are killing me....
However, I was reminded at church about trials this Sunday....I hate trials.....but who likes them? I sure there are some misguided oddballs out there who enjoys the hardships but not me. I know they come but please don't say i should enjoy them.....
The title of my post was going to be...
see how far I moved from that to hating mother's day? Pretty sad.
We all go through difficult things, Christian or not. It's the joy from within that is our saving grace (literally). God promised we would have joy in the journey not happines or wealth or even security in the worldly things - only in Him. Joy is that "thing" that is deep within that assures us there is hope with Jesus-Not the giggles or the feeling of happiness or the rush of adrenaline. It's difficult to imagine that as a Christian we can have worse trials than if we did not follow Jesus. But rest assured - you probably will. That is the nature of satan and ther result of sin. We WILL have trials. okay - enough telling myself that it's normal.
So what does this mean? well, the journey of faith is not easy---it is tested. But God is faithful and full of grace! We are called to do difficult things. but if waiting for a child is one of the worst and hardest things God will put on us then we are blessed!!
For now I am looking up, looking to the sky and not on my life... I am trusting and I am full of hope. I have joy in my is a journey that I know will come to an end in an AWESOME destination!
We got the call two weeks later.....
1 comment:
Very cool, Petunia!
We had a three year wait, including a failed placement, before our boy came wondrously, and loudly (hehehe) into our lives. Faith in Christ was the ONLY thing that sustained us....not the SW's assurances, not the regular pics and updates, not the consoling words of friends and family. They were all wonderful and very, very appreciated, but faith in Christ was what brought us yet another undeserved miracle!! God is good.
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