Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A year ago

This was my post on April 26th last year....It says exactly how I still feel...but I wasn't as tainted by the other's "meaness" yet.


Doughnut said...

Good post a year ago and I will always respect your feelings and point of view Petunia. I am still learning all about adoptees, adoption, adoptors and first mom's feelings. They are some common threads that many have, but not all - at least they won't admit to them because they are not at that point in their journey. I find keeping an open, repectful mind over this is best for everyone including me!

petunia said...

Thank you Leroy - you always have been open minded while maintaining your own views - And I SO appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "Dick and Jane" version of the adoption triad and their feelings. Maybe it's just me, but it smacks of "oxymoron".

Not deliberately trying to be "mean". I have enjoyed some of your previous well written posts.

This one just greatly disappointed me, but I shall remain a reader.


petunia said...

diane, this was a year ago before our little girl was in our lives. I knew my side as an adoptee of course but didn't realize how comlicated people's feelings were about being a biomom and an amom. My feelings are the same now but somewhat deeper and a little more cynical. To me this is not a comlicated thing...I am adopted, I had a great life, I don't feel hurt or abondoned, I get along with my biomom and biodad just fine...end of story. It's not that easy for others.

Anonymous said...

You are the one who put your views on other people's blogs. You started the war, now you whine because you are a victim?

Get with it or get out.

Come on....

petunia said...

I have never been mean and nasty and hateful like some of you "anonymous" (something else I will not do -hide under "anonymous")
This is not about war...it's about differences in opinion...grow up!

petunia said...

I was smiling as I wrote the post above...I sound angry when i read it but I'm not :)

Anotheramy said...

You were mean nasty and hateful on my blog.

"You are one of the reasons we have the problems we do in this country. “My God” tells me you want to make up your own rules. “My God” tells me you don’t want to believe the bible or scholars or even historians. You want to to make up your own God so you can believe exactly the way you want to. Doing this, you are making yourself a god. We cannot decide what God is, isn’t, wants, likes etc. God is God period. Would you want to live in a city where everyone makes up their own laws? How chaotic would that be? That’s what’s going on with religion. The basics arfe there—in the bible….no one really disputes the basics….but then they start to make up the other stuff……then you have problems."


petunia said...

How is that mean? It's the truth...I didn't call you names or put you down...what I said is the truth -- This is my point, when it's an opinion that isn't yours - people call that mean....big difference in what all the mean anonymous people write.

petunia said...

oh, and if you thought the last line meant YOU personally - it didn't, it meant "you have problems" like "there will be problems". Even that is grasping....