People amaze me
It's strange how people can complain how their views don't matter to others and they are put down, ridiculed and not listened to...but they turn around and do it to other people so easily. Anonymity gives people the right to put down and call people terrible things with no concequences. It's sad really, these are the same people who want people to not think bad of them. The biomoms hate when people look down on them for their decision because people are ignorant of what they went through....but they can turn around and act the same way?
The adoptees that are not happy want people to love them, they want to feel accepted, they want people to be nice to them --but they can turn around and treat people like crap because they have a difference of opinion.
I don't leave nasty comments on other people's blogs - but I'M the mean one? I'm the one who needs therapy? it sort of makes me chuckle. The light needs to be turned on but not on me. This is my blog...I write what i'm thinking - just as they all do on their own blogs. They don't expect to be ridiculed and neither do I.
It doesn't hurt me...when i read the comments. In fact, when i do read them I think about a mean little girl on the playground clenching her fists at her sides and stomping her foot as she stains her neck out, veins in her neck popping and spit spraying from her lips as she yells her complaints over something trivial, but meaningful to her. We all look on waiting for her to finish and know in the sceme of things....this too shall pass.

Petunia, lets be honest here. The only reason you don't go making nasty comments on other people's blogs ANYMORE (because you used to say some really ugly, hateful things) is because everyone has banned you.
Nice try though.
anon 1257...
i am rotflmao!!!
so true so true it is.
petunia is needing some therapy and very quickly.
flower...when it hits you and it will...we will help you through it all, despite how you have treated us.
p.s. flower (aka petunia), cute pic of you there as a little girl screaming to get your way. not much has changed.
Excuse me, that is my picture up there. It was taken right after Petunia stomped on my foot. I kicked over her sandcastle right after that.
you are all proving my point beautifully.....
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