Saint Theresa's Prayer
Saint Theresa is regarded as a wonderful example by Christian and non-Christian alike...she was such a special person. She was not from India but she went there and fell in love with the country, it's people and especially the abondoned children. I am not Catholic but I know Mother Theresa should be declared a saint....She should be the patron Saint of foreign adoption!
This is actually the prayer of St. Theresa the Little Flower of Lisieux- but it is one that everyone should strive to live by...the world would be a better place if we all did:
May today there be peace within
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith
May you use those gifts that you have recieved, and pass on the love that has been given to you
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let his presence settle into your bones and allow the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
This is a beautiful poem. Thanks for reminding me of St. Teresa.
hhmm...did st teresa take a child from their country? no, she lived among them and aided them as they lived among their nation and family of birth. petunia, you get worse and worse. you are a piece of work.
give it a want to bash Mother Theresa now?
I just found your blog and started
reading through some of the comments
in prior posts. I can't believe how
rude, nasty, and unthoughtful some of the comments are.
You have every right to your own experience and opinion.
thank you Kathy, I've had to delete some because they are pretty bad. It's hard for the small group of people that have had really bad experiences with adoption to accept there are a lot of people okay with it and leading happy lives...I guess it bothers them so much that they try to convince us we are all wrong, mistaken and confused.
I am surprised because I would never try to dismiss anyone's feelings about their adoption, good or bad.
I have learned a lot by reading all the experiences of adoptees. I met
a first mom a few months ago and I
had tremendous sympathy for her very
sad experience. She was a very warm
wonderful person.
You have your own experience. No one
but a coward would leave some of those horrible messages.
readerofblogs seems to be one of them.
Petunia - I am also so sad to see the kind of comments you get. So many adoptees don't want to have their experiences invalidated (and rightfully so), yet some will turn around and try to invalidate someone else's experience.
I don't know much about St. Terese of Lisieux, but I think I'll look her up.
I think it is interesting how people slam others for caring for a child. "take a child from their country" ? What? Borders are artificial... people are people, and kids without homes need homes. Period. Some of the most influential people in history were not raised by their bio-parents... Moses (raised in Pharoah's house), Esther (raised by a cousin), Dave Thomas (founder of Wendy's). Anyone who slams adoption so vehemently runs the risk of appearing to be petty and jealous...
i would NEVER slam Mother Theresa. it is YOU i am bashing. duh. you are truly clueless.
haggard, get over it...i know who you are and it's old and tired.
oh, wait....."haggard"....okay I know who this is. This person does email me and acts quite chummy. Guess "Haggard" was trying to pull me in.....aint't gonna work.
It's just a guess ladies - I am not %100 sure. I don't want to start a war or be like this person by my assumptions. And Kathy, I may not agree with you about your religion but I would not act this way towards's low. We have common ground and that's what we are talking about....
I have had quite a few people making up names to leave anonymous messages (or maybe it is just one or two) so please don't take me for knowing exactly who it is....I hate when others assume so I would feel really bad if i WAS wrong.
reader of blogs...hehee - "my a** isn't little", that line made me giggle.
okay - I have deleted some of the comments. I think Kathy was responding to your small petty comments, left like a coward under a fake name. So get some kahoonas and either identify yourself or get a life.
I really wish you hadn't deleted that bash on my religion.
mometc. I'm sorry - I ws trying to really get rid of reader's idiotic mean posts.
So all other readers know - readerofblogs really bashed mometc and called her evil....I thought it was best to get rid of all of it. She was pretty mad and I would be too...even though we may not agree about our religion, we aren't posting about these things...we have common ground of moms and adoption and THAT is the purpose to this blog - NOT bashing and degrading anyone.
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