My Bio-sis e-mailed today and asked if we could all go to lunch. She's very sweet. The blond-blond straight haired fair girl who is a bellydancer. She's quite good and is sought after for parties because she doesn't "fit the mold". I had her come dance for a group and she was great - she has tried to convince me I must have it in me to dance like that but I is a talent? that you have and must cultivate ---- i do NOT have it.
So did you accept the invitation? You made me smile talking about your non-belly dancing self.
BTW, I set up a book club blog is your interested. The first book is The Mermaid Chair. Do you really think that someone thought BM was in referencing a bowel movement? I had no idea...I was thinking the persom was just being weird.
I've heard it many times before Trace's weird but some Biomoms get offended with BM because it's also "bowel movement" - but they need to tak eit in context.... talk about nitpicky!
What's tough is that I have found mothers and/or adoptees offended by: BM, birthmom, biomom, natural mom, first mom and so on.
Leaves you wondering what to refer to someone as without offending someone! I usually just use "mother" these days, but that has a confusion all it's own. Sometimes people don't know if it's me or my daughter's birth mom I'm even referring to.
I actually saw a blog the other day of a bio mom who didn't consider herself a mother. It surprised me. I wonder if my use of "mother" to describe someone like her would offend her?
ROFL! Yep, BM.... who cares what people call you? If you know who you are, why be so nitpicky about labels? They are just words. I agree, the context should be considered. Very good point!!
Reminds me of how I refer to many aparents as "anal parents" LOL! Some adoptive parents (not all, so no offense please!) act very anal! They are so very afraid of being replaced or cast aside later on in life, so possessive, controlling.
People shouldn't personalize things so much. Relax, enjoy life!
Anal, birth, natural or bio....I think we need to look at WHO is saying it. Especially if that person is new to adoption or doesn't mean to offend.
Aww, come on P! I think you'd make a great sure to send us pics!!
Trace; sounds fun :) I love reading....great way to escape when necessary! :)
Actually, as I was posting this, the acronym PAP (prospective adoptive parent) reminded me to schedule for my GYN visit!! :)
(I knew I was avoiding it, but turns out it's been FOUR YEARS....OMG!)
Hehe....I was thinking about pap too. I used to bug me (because it usually comes from someone complaining about what THEY are called), but I overlook it now. People really don't mean anything by it.
And, get your pap smear! ASAP. I had cervial cancer, it sucks!
(bowing profusely) you are TOTALLY right, I can't believe I let it go so long...ugh, I just hate it but it's just dumb, dumb, dumb..I could kick myself.....
Totally valid point mometc. and tispslp, I didn't even think about PAP (already had mine ;-), that is just as 'insulting' as BM.
tispslp if you want to join the blog book club you're more than welcome.
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